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Summer, Petersburg, BBFF-2019!

Summer, Petersburg, BBFF-2019!

For three years in a row, the Big Business Fun Festival has been one of the most anticipated summer open air events in Saint Peterburg for me. This is why it was especially satisfying to be at the stage of the BBFF for yet another time.

On June 28, I presented my report titled «Economy of Experiences. Add value to products and services!». We discussed such topics as:

  • How to sell more at a higher price in economy of experiences;
  • How memories and emotions encourage repeat purchases;
  • Where entrepreneurs can find creative ideas for creating experiences.

The authors of the most interesting and relevant questions received copies of Fantastic Park. Entertainment Centers: From Projects to Happy Guests, and sets of branded bookmarks.

Both days of the Festival, I spent on the venue. I was delivering reports, attending workshops and lectures, discussing important and casual issues alike, meeting with old friends and making new ones!

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