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Pavel Timets. «Professional» Vlog

Pavel Timets. «Professional» Vlog

On The «Professional» channel we spotlight simple, funny and interesting stories told by successful people. Interviews with businessmen, sportsmen and people of creative occupation.

Pavel Timets, an expert in the field of entertainment, became a hero of the pilot episode on the «Professional» channel. The hosts, Eduard Dedyukhin and Dmitry Morozyuk, took a little ride with Pavel on the Ferris wheel and on the roller coaster, talked about family, business, football as well as about Pavel’s new book.

To cut a long story short, this is how it was:

0:47 — Sex on the bar during the disco
1:57 — 7 questions in 40 seconds
2:58 — Is there a need for soft drugs legalization in St. Petersburg?
3:28 — Walks around the city.
4:35 — The biggest personal fail
5:14 — Riding the roller coaster
5:45 — Bad news from Pavel Timets
5:57 — Lunching boiled corn on the Ferris wheel
6:04 — A hell of a roller coaster in Orlando
7:01 — 3 best leisure destinations
7:42 — Tricky advertising tool
7:58 — A couple of words about the rapper Face
8:13 — A line-up of Pavel Timets’ football team
8:50 — How much money has been gambled away?
9:10 — Chicken on the bottle
9:38 — What should Poltavchenko fear?
9:50 — A task for the competition where you can win football tickets or a dinner with Pavel Timets

Locations for the shootings included the offices of «Kritie Parki Atraktsionov» company, the streets of Krestovskiy Island, «Divo Ostrov» Amusement park, and the bank of the Neva river.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the «Professional» channel after watching))

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