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Denial of the information on the sale of Maza Park

Denial of the information on the sale of Maza Park

I have been recieving numerous questions from partners, colleagues and friends who want some comments on the matter. I want to hastily refute the media reports and to assure that the information is untrue.

The content of most of the messages is the following: «The Russian auction house will hold a tender for the sale of 100% of shares of " BASK " LTD, which owns the Maza Park entertainment center on December the 24th». First of all, it is necessary to clarify that Maza Park does not belong to «BASK» LTD. «BASK» Ltd — is the owner of the building, with whom we have a valid lease.

«BASK» LTD has no rights to the sale of the company. In addition, the building is pledged to the bank. According to the lease agreement, the company Maza Park will continue its operations, even if the building gets a new owner. This means that the expression «sale of rental business», with which the media is operating is wrong. The owner of the building may change if several conditions are met, the most important of which is — the authorization of the bank.

There was no option of selling «Maza Park» Ltd. It is not even considered. As one of the owners of the company i declare that our entertainment centers are not for sale.

I’m surprised that this kind of messages go out without any coordination with the leadership of Maza Park. I am ready to give my commentary to the media that wishes to operate with accurate information, not rumors. You can contact me directly through paul@timets.net or through the press secretary Anna Bessmertnaya pr@timets.net

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