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2015 year

Happy New Year, friends!

Happy New Year, friends!

Despite the difficult economic situation in which Russia finds itself, the entertainment industry would not break. The «PARK» Management Company continues to launching new projects.

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You can root formally and informally

You can root formally and informally

The broadcast of the Euro 2016 draw was the reason that on December 12, about 100 fans were at Maza Park on Bucharestskaya street.

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«Zenit — Ufa», Russian National Championship

I went with my father to the match, «Zenit-Ufa», even though for only 8 seconds, but we were shown on all the channels = D

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Denial of the information on the sale of Maza Park

Denial of the information on the sale of Maza Park

Today, in a number of online publications, which include RBk, Interfax, Fontanka, Business Petersburg, Business News Agency, ASN-info, etc. There was information that Maza Park on Ho Chi Minh street was being put up for auction.

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